Thursday, 18 November 2010

Charity -Avon Wildlife Trust

My 2010 Christmas card shows a winter image of the frozen pond at Willsbridge Mill.

Part of the proceeds from the sale of each card will be donated to support the work of the Avon Wildlife Trust.

Saltford Christmas Craft Fair

Saturday 4th December
10am -2pm

Saltford Hall
Wedmore Road
Bristol BS31 3BY

Here's an opportunity for you to get into the festive spirit and buy Christmas and greetings cards, gift tokens, mounted images or canvases from Anna's stand at the Saltford Christmas Craft Fair at Saltford Hall, half way between Bristol and Bath. Payment accepted by cash or cheque.

Friday, 12 November 2010

The Sleep Event - London- 24/25 November

Exciting news!
I've been invited by to showcase a piece of my work on the Ridge Publications stand, G55, at the SLEEP EVENT EXHIBITION on 24/25th November. You can see a beautiful, tranquil image in a chunky handmade frame, the perfect finishing touch for your room.

I will be on the Ridge Publications stand, G55, on Thursday 25th November with a portfolio of new work for you to see between 11am and and 3pm.

Decorex 2010

26th September

I travelled to London to visit Decorex 2010 for the wonderful stands showing beautiful things for interiors. It was great opportunity to meet interior designers and potential new outlets for my landscape photography.

I joined NOMINE Community Choir

2nd September 2010

Standing patiently in a long Post Office queue a few weeks ago I noticed a poster about NOMINE Community Choir. It's sole purpose is to raise funds for the charity Children's Hospice South West so I joined.

Forget the X Factor. If you enjoy singing a wide variety of music come along to join us or come and listen to one of the concerts which are free to attend. There's a retiring collection for Children's Hospice South West. See the websites in the LINKS on the right hand side of the page.

Radio Interviews

25th August 2010 & 1st September

What a fantastic experience to be interviewed on BBC Radio Wales twice in one week and to see how things work behind the scenes! Talking 'on air' was a new and exciting challenge. The show hosts, Roy Noble as well as Jamie and Louise made it all look so easy.

Listening to myself on iPlayer later helped me to evaluate how I could improve for future talk shows.

Interior Scene Product Directory

Need canvases to complete your refurbishment? Or patterns for bespoke wallpaper?

Look on page 4 of the online Interior Scene product directory (see the LINKS on the right of the page) to see two of my recently published images.

I climbed Mount Snowdon!

22 August 2010

I feel very proud of myself for climbing Mount Snowdon.

It's been on my 'to do' list for a while to check out the location for future picture taking. We climbed up on the Pyg track and descended on the Miners track.

I hadn't anticipated queuing to clamber up the steeper sections due to the volume of tourists. Some people who travelled up on the train seemed surprised at how cold it was at the summit as they alighted in shorts and T-shirts! We had a brief glimpse of the 360 degrees view before the cloud cover enveloped us.

The Power of Networking

11th August 2010

While on the Vale Women's Business Network stand at the Vale of Glamorgan Show, I had a conversation with another business women, a freelance producer for BBC Radio Wales, which led to an invitation for me to be interviewed on the Roy Noble Show on 25th August about my landscape photography.

Jane Hutt, Welsh Assembly Member, and patron to Vale Women's Business Network, also came to talk with members at our stand.

Jane had seen the newspaper article, published in the Western Mail in July, about me inspiring others to cope with alopecia (hair loss). This article led to another invitation to be interviewed, this time, on the Jamie and Louise Show BBC Radio Wales on 1st September.