Sunday, 28 February 2010

God's reset button!

I returned home after Christmas and within hours went down with the worst dose of flu I've ever had. Thank you to family, friends and neighbours who helped out. It's taken me weeks to get back on track, but it's been a blessing in disguise. It forced me to stop and rest properly which gave me time to think. Sometimes, we're so busy, we don't realise that we're on a treadmill that's getting too fast.
I'm now in the process of making more changes to enhance my life and to achieve a healthy work/life balance. The bottomline is that without vibrant energy we're unable to enjoy life!
'Love is a precious gift,
Treat yourself daily.'
Anna Proctor


Looking at my Blog right now, I can see that you'd think that I've been idle since my last posting! Nothing could be further from the truth.
December passed in a blur as there was so much happening: networking, meetings, exhibition planning, completing clients work before Christmas, admin, book -keeping, catching up with friends, enjoying a spine tingling performance of River Dance at the Bristol Hippodrome, attending the Midsomer Norton Christmas Festival, completing the Bush Craft Course and receiving certificates to acknowledge our achievements.
Of course, there were also preparations for and travelling to Wales, to celebrate Christmas with family and friends in the winter wonderland of snow and all the challenges that brought. On the Severn Crossing chunks of ice came raining down from the gantries and I got caught in the traffic jams being diverted to the Old Severn Crossing! Patience is a virtue.
The plan had been to also use the trips to do location landscape photography out in the sticks, but the thick ice made attempts at walking anywhere off a main road a hazardous pastime for life and limbs! Sitting near a wood burning stove and sharing mulled wine seemed a more appealing option.